VERITY LAUGHTON is an award-winning playwright and poet. Laughton’s more than 30 produced works have been seen in Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, the UK and the USA. They include main-stage adult dramas, adaptations, plays for children and families, radio plays, a promenade community event, and a musical. Her works include Long Tan, The Red Cross Letters (short-listed for the 2013 Rodney Seaborn Prize), Ella, The Sweetest Thing (nominated for the 2012 NSW Premier’s Award and the Rodney Seaborn Award), A Crate of Souls, Ghostie, Lone Bird, The Nargun and the Stars, Gondwana, Respect, The Gizmo, A Neutral Script, The Snow Queen, A World of Paper, Piercing the Skin, Koala Lou, The Mourning After, and I Saw a Dinosaur. She was awarded the 2009 Adelaide’s Critic’s Circle Best New Australian Play for Carrying Light, the 2009 Inscription Award for The Ice Season, the 2004 Community Theatre AWGIE for The Lightkeeper, the 2004 Best Radio Drama AWGIE for Fox, and the 2001 Griffin Prize for Burning. Laughton’s poetry and prose have been published in a range of literary and other publications. She is a member of the 7-ON group of playwrights.