

ISBN: 9780868198804
Author: Eamon Flack, Sophocles
Publication Date: 11/06/2010
Edition: First
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 112pp.
Availability: Available as XML or eBook
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The sun rises on Thebes the morning after a war. The new king takes the first decisive step of his government, and a young woman slips out of the city to find her brother’s body on the battlefield. By the next sunrise, her act of devotion will have destroyed the ruling family and brought the state to its knees. Eamon Flack’s vigorous adaptation of Sophocles’ magnificent tragedy, Antigone, was written for ThinIce and produced at the Perth International Arts Festival in 2009. With an introduction and production notes by Matthew Lutton, and translation notes by Eamon Flack.

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