As Told By the Boys Who Fed Me Apples


ISBN: 9781760620523
Author: R. Johns
Publication Date: 9/03/2017
Edition: CTS
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 100pp.
Availability: Available
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Sandy was the only Australian War Horse to return home from World War I. This is his poignant and fragmented war story. Through Sandy we experience the lives of three men who fought in the war.

Major General Sir William Throsby Bridges is mortally wounded at Gallipoli, and Sandy is his charger. A veterinary officer is caught with Sandy behind the lines on the Western Front in a gas shell barrage. A ‘permanently unfit’ soldier becomes a groom and brings Sandy home. Each is affected by their symbiotic relationship with the horse.

This unique, poetic piece of theatre captures the brutality of war and the heroism of the soldiers and horses who served.

Sandy is the horse full of wattle who drank the waters of the Murray in bucketloads, and who danced with bogong moths.

He is our connection to all those left behind.

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