When the Rain Stops Falling


ISBN: 9780868199283
Author: Andrew Bovell
Publication Date: 21/12/2011
Edition: Second
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 80pp.
Availability: Available
Request reading copy: Here
(Academics and teachers)
Cast Info: 5F , 4M

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Alice Springs in the year 2039. A fish falls from the sky and lands at the feet of Gabriel York. And it still smells of the sea. It’s been raining for days and Gabriel knows something is wrong.

Fifty years earlier his grandfather, Henry Law predicts that fish will fall from the sky heralding a great flood that will end life on Earth as we know it.

In an intricate, multi-layered story that spans four generations and two continents, When the Rain Stops Falling explores patterns of betrayal, abandonment, destruction, forgiveness and love. This powerful drama unfolds with humanity, surprising humour and hope, as the past plays out into the future.

For a study guide from Sydney Theatre Company click here.

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