

ISBN: 9781760621865
Author: Vanessa Bates
Publication Date: 1/03/2018
Edition: First
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 64pp.
Availability: Available
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(Academics and teachers)
Cast Info: 2F , 6M , doubling possible.
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9781760621865: Trailer

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All Jed’s friends have moved to the city, but he still lives with his two mothers in a small town between the beach and the bush, on a train line with a city at either end. Waiting.

He’s not sure what he’s waiting for, but in the meantime he works at the council investigating sinkholes in people’s backyards. Since finishing high school, the frustrations of coastal life are looming large. And something is being hidden from him about the illness facing one of his mothers.

This honest coming-of-age story finds friendship and humour in unexpected places. Introducing a cast of complex characters working through the everyday, Trailer is a darkly comic play set along the train tracks of New South Wales. Nominated for the 2017 AWGIE Award for Community and Youth Theatre.

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