At Sea, Staring Up is a richly poetic magical relationship drama that follows the journeys of five characters, all motivated by love, across three continents: Emma the Greek sails the seas alone so that her father will live; Noah searches for his wife who flew through a hole in the windscreen; Elise drives through the German countryside, trying to get her baby to sleep; Caleb swims oceans to prove his love for Sylvia; while Sylvia climbs waterfalls and jumps through time and space. Told in poetic language, Kruckemeyer creates a magical world that is very real.
At Sea, Staring Up
ISBN: 9780868199641
Author: Finegan Kruckemeyer
Publication Date: 20/03/2013
Edition: Standard
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 64pp.
Availability: Available
Request reading copy: Here
(Academics and teachers)
Cast Info: 3F , 7M , doubling possible.
eBook Vendors:
SKU: BK829
Categories: Currency Press, Drama, Plays, Poetic, Surreal / magic realism
Tags: Currency Press, Finegan Kruckemeyer
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