Gary’s House


ISBN: 9780868196077
Author: Debra Oswald
Publication Date: 31/01/2000
Edition: Revised
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 96pp.
Availability: Available
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(Academics and teachers)
Cast Info: 2F , 3M

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Gary has failed in everything he has attempted. But when he inherits a block of land, he gets an urge to build a nest with Sue-Anne, his angry and pregnant girlfriend.

Gary’s House is a story about Aussie battlers—battling with each other, the elements and the world in their quest to turn a dream into reality. What begins as satire becomes a moving drama told with humour, compassion and loving detail by a highly original and insightful playwright.

‘Debra Oswald has given birth to an important and deeply involving play which… just about knocks you over with its unleashed excellence, and both the courage and wisdom of its convictions.’ — Richard Waller, Courier-Mail

‘…a play which never falters in its larger sweeps of meaning or in the potent daring of its emotional embrace. The language truly lives and breathes, and the predicaments are genuine.’ — James Waites,
Sydney Morning Herald

‘The play… reminds us that sometimes simplicity and honesty, in theatre-making as well as in life, can be the strongest force… It is very moving and very funny, and it deserves a wide audience.’ — John McCallum,

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