
ISBN: 9781760628383
Author: Kerryn Beatty
Publication Date: 6/03/2023
Edition: CTS
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 44pp.
Availability: Available
Cast Info: 2F

SKU: BK3266 Categories: , , Tag:

You are in severe heart failure. I’m sending you to the city.
From farm to little town to big town and back again, HER comes face to face with her own mortality. Unable to access the specialist care she needs in the country, she travels the long journey in and out of the city confronting the ultimate journey to save herself, alone.
As she prepares to go under, HER past returns. HER truth can no longer remain buried. On the operating table HER chest is cracked open, unleashing a scream from depths unknown, spilling out a poetic and lyrical avalanche of words unspoken and desires unfulfilled. When she wakes, she is no longer the same.
Based on a true story,
Kerryn Beatty‘s HER explores the conditioning and social expectations on girls and women in regional Australia, examining the depths we must travel inward, to reclaim ourselves.
A beautiful, poetic and visual feast.

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