‘I’m making him work for it! Got him to buy me a pack of Tangfastics and a can of Lilt before I showed him my tits.’
The problem with love is that it’s different for everyone. For Bex, love is a handjob in detention and the promise of a date at a Chinese buffet. She doesn’t even like Chinese.
Sophie Ellerby’s play LIT explores the turbulent teenage years of a Nottingham girl looking for love in all the wrong places. It premiered at the HighTide Festival Aldeburgh, Omnibus Clapham and Nottingham Playhouse in 2019, co-produced by HighTide and Nottingham Playhouse.
‘A blistering debut… full of details, light and dark, about teenagers’ initiations to adulthood’
— Guardian
‘Ellerby has pulled off that rarest of feats – written a wholly contemporary, wholly credible play that speaks of and to the generation born into the perils of social media… an extraordinary debut’
— Broadway World
‘Meticulously crafted writing… captures what happens to young people across the country today’
— Reviews Hub
‘Gripping stuff from beginning to end’
— LondonTheatre1