Currency Press
Showing 301–360 of 614 results
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Pinocchio and The Yellow Wallpaper: Two plays
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Platform Papers 1: ‘Our ABC’: A Dying Culture?
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Platform Papers 11: A Regional State of Mind: Making Art Outside Metropolitan Australia
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Platform Papers 12: Film in the Age of Digital Distribution
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Platform Papers 14: Who Profits from the Arts?
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Platform Papers 16: The Permanent Underground
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Platform Papers 17: What is an Australian Play? Have We Failed Our Ethnic Writers?
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Platform Papers 18: Getting Heard
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Platform Papers 2: Survival of the Fittest: The Artist Versus the Corporate World
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Platform Papers 20: Beethoven or Britney? The Great Divide in Music Education
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Platform Papers 21: Television
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Platform Papers 22: Copyright, Collaboration and the Future of Dramatic Authorship
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Platform Papers 23: Whatever Happened to the STC Actors Company?
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Platform Papers 24: The Digital Playing Fields
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Platform Papers 25: Moving Across Disciplines
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Platform Papers 26: Not Just an Audience
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Platform Papers 27: Hello World! Promoting the Arts on the Web
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Platform Papers 28: The Fall and Rise of the VCA
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Platform Papers 29: Democracy vs. Creativity
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Platform Papers 3: Trapped by the Past: Why our theatre is facing paralysis
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Platform Papers 30: INDIG-CURIOUS
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Platform Papers 32: History is Made at Night
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Platform Papers 33: Changing Times at NIDA
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Platform Papers 35: The Music of Place
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Platform Papers 36: Re-Valuing the Artist in the New World Order
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Platform Papers 37: Not at a Cinema Near You
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Platform Papers 38: Enlightenment or Entitlement? Rethinking tertiary music education
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Platform Papers 39: The Retreat of Our National Drama
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Platform Papers 4: The Myth of the Mainstream
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Platform Papers 41: Education and the Arts:
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Platform Papers 42: The Time is Ripe for the Great Australian Musical
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Platform Papers 43: The Arts and the Common Good
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Platform papers 44: Cultural Precincts
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Platform Papers 45: Paying the Piper
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Platform Papers 46: The Designer
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Platform Papers 47: After the Creative Industries
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Platform papers 48: When the Goal Posts Move
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Platform Papers 49: The Lighting Designer
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Platform Papers 5: Shooting Through: Australian Film and the Brain Drain
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Platform Papers 51: Missing in Action
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Platform Papers 52: Putting Words in their Mouths
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Platform Papers 53: The Jobbing Actor
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Platform Papers 54: Young People and the Arts
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Platform Papers 55: Arts, Politics, Money
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Platform Papers 56: Falling Through the Gaps
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Platform Papers 57: Cultural Justice and the Right to Thrive
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Platform Papers 6: Art in a Cold Climate: Rethinking the Australia Council
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Platform Papers 7: Does Australia Need a Cultural Policy?
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Platform Papers 8: Body for Hire?
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Platform Papers 9: What Price a Creative Economy?
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Playing Beatie Bow
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Plays of the 50s: Volume 2
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Plays of the 60s: Volume 2
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Plays of the 70s: Volume 1
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