My Brilliant Career


ISBN: 9781760629083
Author: Sheridan Harbridge and Dean Bryant
Publication Date: 7/11/2024
Edition: CTS
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 100pp.
Availability: Available

Cast Info: 9F , 9M , 2 musicians, doubling possible.


Sybylla Melvyn is finding her voice.

Growing up in the 90s – the 1890s, that is – life doesn’t throw a lot of options at a girl. But life didn’t reckon on Sybylla. Forced to choose between romance and her own genius, her family and a future she defines, she’s decided she’s having it all.

Miles Franklin’s novel gets a bold new makeover that transforms one of the most enduring literary figures into a musical heroine for this very moment. An adaptation with edge, this re-imagining captures the playful and effervescent spirit of a young woman ready to take on the world.

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