Three monologues from one of the most respected Indigenous voices, that each present a different view of how changes in the law from the 1940s to 1970 affected Aboriginal people. In the 1990s Eva Johnson toured What Do They Call Me? around Australia and internationally, performing all three roles.
What Do They Call Me?
ISBN: 9781760626549
Author: Eva Johnson
Publication Date: 7/05/2021
Edition: First
Publisher: Currency Press
Availability: Available
Request reading copy: Here
(Academics and teachers)
Cast Info: 3F , doubling possible.
eBook Vendors:
SKU: BK2918
Categories: Australian history, Currency Press, Diverse sexuality themes, Drama, Indigenous playwrights, Indigenous themes, Monologues, Naturalism / realism, Plays by women, Significant female role/s, Solo performer
Tags: Currency Press, Eva Johnson
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