

ISBN: 9781760621384
Author: Lally Katz
Publication Date: 27/10/2017
Edition: CTS
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 112pp.
Availability: Available
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(Academics and teachers)
Cast Info: 6F , 3M , 1 Other, doubling possible.

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Lally Katz is on a journey. She’s left Australia behind and she’s in the country of her childhood, trying to find a way back to when things were innocent. Her relationships are chaotic, her professional life is a shambles and contemporary America seems riddled with charlatans and shysters. But along the way moments of wisdom bubble up, as if from some lost ancient city beneath the waves off Florida…

The fabulous Lally Katz once again mines her life – both real and imaginative – for an epic story lined with romantic dilemmas and unforgettable encounters. A grand adventure through cynical times, but infused with Lally’s unwavering optimism.

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