Drama Classics: The World’s Great Plays at a Great Little Price
Molière’s story of a covetous old miser, obsessively protecting his hoard of gold and neglecting his long-suffering children.
Harpagon is obsessed with the wealth he has amassed and always ready to save expenses. Now a widower, he has a son, ClĂ©ante, and a daughter, Élise. Although he is over sixty, he is attempting to marry his son’s own sweetheart, Mariane.
But it seems that Harpagon’s pinchpenny paranoia is finally catching up with him – his gold is missing, and this time it might really have disappeared for good…
The Miser was first performed in 1668, at the theatre of the Palais-Royal, Paris.
This English version, in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classic series, is translated and introduced by Martin Sorrell.