The Yellow Wallpaper
“It is the strangest yellow, that wallpaper! It makes me think of all the yellow things I ever saw – not beautiful ones like buttercups, but old foul, bad yellow things … It is like a bad dream. It creeps all over the house.”
A recuperating woman, a misguided husband, a hideously papered bedroom.
The Yellow Wallpaper is a shrewd blend of physical performance and subtly subversive text – a gothically patterned tale which challenges the boundaries between care and control, madness and liberation.
Part of the 2019 VCE Drama Playlist.
Text by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Adapted & devised by Laurence Strangio and Annie Thorold
It all began with an ordinary block of wood…
Welcome to the fantastical – and dark – world of Pinocchio… An epic adventure of danger, villainy and excitement, told through multiple characters, mask, puppetry, song and plenty of hilarious audience interaction!
An engaging, innovative reimagining of Carlo Collodi’s cautionary tale about the little wooden puppet who wants to become a real boy. Don’t miss this magical and unique adaptation that draws on the traditions of the travelling storytellers of a bygone era and – of course – Commedia dell’Arte.
Part of the 2019 VCE Drama Playlist.
Created by Christian Bagin, Rosa Campagnaro and Jasper Foley