

ISBN: 9781848429888
Author: By Tom Wells
Publication Date: 4/02/2021
Publisher: Nick Hern Books
Extent: 56pp.
Availability: Available

SKU: BK2981 Categories: , , , Tag:

Vinny’s organising a surprise birthday party for his mate, Anita. It’s not going well: his choice of venue is a bit misguided, Anita’s not keen on leaving the house, and everyone else has their own stuff going on. Maybe a surprise party wasn’t the best idea? 

Tom Wells’s Stuff is a play about friendship and loss – and the way people try to do the right thing for their mates when there isn’t really a right thing to do.

Written specifically for young people, the play formed part of the 2019 National Theatre Connections Festival and was premiered by youth theatres across the UK. It offers rich opportunities for an ensemble cast of teenagers.

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