Connecting through Drama


ISBN: 9781760627546
Author: Zoe Hogan and Victoria Campbell
Publication Date: 21/04/2022
Edition: First
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 288pp.
Availability: Available
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Connected is a Sydney Theatre Company program for adults learning an additional language. It focuses on the power of drama and storytelling to improve literacy, confidence and social connection. Connected uses traditional myths and folktales as a basis for learning, to explore character, place and meaning.

Connecting Through Drama is the companion book for the program – a practical, comprehensive text for educators and theatre practitioners who want to confidently develop engaging drama learning experiences, especially with adults from refugee and migrant communities.

The book includes:
• A summary of the Connected program and the theory behind the practice;
• Warm up activities and drama strategies;
• Nine dramas from oral storytelling traditions, including an overview, the key themes, a list of resources, a pretext and an outline of seven drama workshops.
• A chapter on how to find and adapt new stories for your own process drama work.

‘I think it is a good idea to learn English naturally, with our bodies, like we learn our mother tongue, with people … this is a good idea to learn with laughing; no more stress.’ Connected participant

Victoria Campbell is a lecturer in the Creative Arts at The University of Sydney. Zoe Hogan is Director of Education & Community Partnerships at Sydney Theatre Company.  They are both Teaching Artists for Sydney Theatre Company’s Connected and School Drama programs.

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