Roulette: 12 Dialogues


ISBN: 9780868197654
Author: Raimondo Cortese
Publication Date: 10/05/2005
Edition: Standard
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 256pp.
Availability: Available as XML or eBook
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Edgy, provocative and emotionally honest, each of the twelve plays of Roulette explores the nuances and subtleties involved when two people meet. Based on the ancient Chinese cosmology, The Twelve Branches of Life, the plays are a revealing mosaic of human interaction across a range of emotional landscapes.

From a chance meeting between a man and a woman in a café to the aggression of the prodigal son returning home to enslave a helpless older man, this fiercely intelligent writing uncovers and illuminates the moments of cruelty and beauty that are often hidden but inherent in encounters between two people.

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