Cyberbile and Grounded


ISBN: 9780868199849
Author: Alana Valentine
Publication Date: 28/06/2013
Edition: Standard
Publisher: Currency Press
Extent: 118pp.
Availability: Available
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(Academics and teachers)
Cast Info: 2F , 2+ Any gender

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Based on interviews conducted by PLC students with teachers, parents and their fellow students, Cyberbile is a verbatim-based drama about children’s relationships to the online community and the bullying that modern technology can unleash.

In Grounded we meet Farrah, a young Novocastrian with a fascination for Newcastle’s industrial port, a fascination none of her peers share or comprehend. When a storm grounds a ship, the Pasha Bulker, and the world’s attention turns to the harbour she knows so well, the impact on Farrah’s own reality is not what she expects.

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